Harrison Butker’s ‘inaccurate, ill-informed and woefully out of step' sexist speech is fact-checked by GLAAD
Kansas City Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker is under fire for his transphobic commencement address at Benedictine College in…
Kansas City Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker is under fire for his transphobic commencement address at Benedictine College in…
Photo: Terence Faircloth/Flickr CC BY NC ND 2.0 Sri City: Earlier this year, on March 24, a group of 21 former high court…
The children of same-sex couples fare just as well, if not better, than those of heterosexual couples, research has shown.
The children of same-sex couples fare just as well, if not better, than those of heterosexual couples, research has shown.
The children of same-sex couples fare just as well, if not better, than those of heterosexual couples, research has shown.
Publiceret d. 17.09.22 Læsetid: 2 Minutter Gem I USA vokser omkring 191.000 børn op med forældre af samme køn.
Don’t all children deserve guardians that appreciate them? Same-sex parents raise approximately 191,000 children, and it’s…
Same-sex parents should be extra proud this month. Seven years ago this June, the Supreme Court ruled in Obergefell v.
With behavioral health problems on the rise among children in the United States, primary care practices are often the first…
1 Nov 2020 | Filed under Life | A new British and Dutch study has suggested that children of same-sex couples do better at…
You are here: Home / LBGTQ / Oxford Study: Kids of Same-Sex Parents Do Better in School A study of nearly 3,000 Dutch children…
Am 26. September stimmen wir in der Schweiz über die «Ehe für alle» ab. Warum will ein lesbisches Paar unbedingt heiraten…
Whether you’re part of a traditional or non-traditional family, one thing is certain: parenting is no walk in the park.
Whether you’re part of a traditional or non-traditional family, one thing is certain: parenting is no walk in the park.
Whether you’re part of a traditional or non-traditional family, one thing is certain: parenting is no walk in the park.
Whether you’re part of a traditional or non-traditional family, one thing is certain: parenting is no walk in the park.
(CNN)Food in their belly. A roof over their head. A reassuring hug after a tough day. An ear to listen to the latest thing that…
Lesbians who want to get pregnant have a number of options depending on their budget, health, fertility preferences, and…
Prema rezultatima studije koju je na Oksfordu vodio Deni Mazrekaj, deca koju odgajaju istopolni parovi čak bolje napreduju u škol…
06 nov 2020 Een onderzoek van de University of Oxford en Maastricht Universiteit gingen op zoek naar antwoorden op het…
Photo: Sharon McCutcheon / Unsplash Children who are raised from birth by same-sex parents perform better in school than peers…
Kids of same-sex couples perform better in school? A new study by researchers from the University of Oxford said that primary/ele…
Children raised by same-sex parents do better at school than those with mixed-sex parents, a revealing new study has shown.
Kids of Same-Sex Parents Perform Better Academically, Study Says Same-sex couples must be intentional about having kids, which…
Stock photo of same-sex parents. (Photo: Creative Commons) Children raised by same-sex parents do better at school than those…
Children raised by same-sex parents from birth perform better academically than children raised by different-sex couples…
A new large study of same-sex parents found that their children actually do better at school than opposite-sex couples’ children.
Kinder und Jugendliche, die in Regenbogenfamilien aufwachsen, zeigen bessere schulische Leistungen als diejenigen, die in…
Tiesa, DELFI.lt kalbinti tyrėjai nėra tikri, ar tokie tyrimo rezultatai būtų ir Lietuvoje. Praėjusią savaitę sociologas dr.
Ученые из Лювенського католического университета в Бельгии выяснили, что дети, воспитанные гомосексуальными парами, более успешны…
Ученые из Лювенського католического университета в Бельгии выяснили, что дети, воспитанные гомосексуальными парами, более успешны…
Ученые из Левенского католического университета проанализировали успеваемость более 1,2 миллиона 12-летних детей. 2,9 тысячи из н…
Ученые Левенского католического университета пришли к выводу, что дети, воспитанные гомосексуальными парами, успешнее в учебе, че…
Un estudio en Holanda con miles de niños y niñas desmiente que los hijos de parejas del mismo sexo tengan desventajas, y al…
Los hijos criados por familias homoparentales (aquellas en las que los padres son dos hombres o dos mujeres) desde el…
on 8 oktober 2020 Kinderen met homoseksuele ouders behalen betere schoolresultaten dan kinderen met heteroseksuele ouders. Dat…
Voor hun onderzoek bestudeerden onderwijseconomenDeni Mazrekaj, Kristof De Witte en Sofie Cabus (KU Leuven)de gegevens van alle…
A new study from the Netherlands finds that children raised by gay or lesbian parents do better at school than children raised…
New research suggests that kids of same-sex parents perform better in schools. Deni Mazrekaj, a postdoctoral researcher at the…
By now it's old news: The children of same-sex couples have been shown time and again to do at least as well as their peers…
Children of same-sex couples perform better in school than kids raised by a mom and a dad, according to new research from…
According to new research from several European economists, children raised by same-sex couples had higher test scores in…